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Kayakcraft Companion Video Released for Free

Last week we released our Art of Paddle Carving video free on YouTube, hoping to bring an old video to a new audience. It was well-received, so we’ve dug into the vault again and released The Kayakcraft Companion Video as well.

Thought it comes with a similar caveat that it may not please viewers who insist on high definition visuals, the Kayakcraft Companion has an interesting history. It was produced while working with a group of high school students in Kuujuac, Northern Quebec, and captures Ted explaining concepts and offering guidance in the classroom. It provides an informal look at building a woodstrip kayak and an excellent visual resource to use along with Kayakcraft.

The YouTube version of the video is divided into nine chapters, covering the building jig, stems and sheer clamps, planking, cutting the centreline, fitting the outside stems, sanding, fibreglassing, decks, and the cockpit and hatches. You can jump to the playlist here, or begin watching in the embedded player above.

For those without a reliable internet connection, the DVD version is still available for order here. Thanks for watching!

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